“Revenues Grow, Profits Decline” Huh?

Several years ago, a headline caught my eye that I still remember. It was a story on a widely known company and the headline read “Revenues Grow, Profits Decline”. If you don’t know the difference between revenues and profits – or you don’t understand how something like this could happen, you’ve probably got dollars dribbling out your back door right now…

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So, What Do Profits Have To Do With Marketing? Funny You Should Ask…

“Profit is the result of the performance of the business in marketing, innovation and productivity. It is the test – the only effective test – of performance.” – Peter Drucker

If you’ve been bringing in enough to keep things going, but not enough to:

1. Fund your retirement at the levels you desire.
2. Build the house you’ve dreamed of having.
3. Effectively promote your business.
4. Or even to take the vacations that you want…

It’s time to back-up and examine what’s missing.

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Increase Your Cash Flow in 30 Days

What a difference between today and the financial times just a few years ago. Many are feeling frustration and lack of control over the cash flow in their business. However, things may be better for you than you imagine.

Even if your business is slowing down, chances are you have pockets of forgotten cash lying around, available for the plucking. It has simply not been collected yet. You may even have overlooked it!

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The Acid Test – Can You Make It?

If all of a sudden your revenues dropped, can your practice still meet its financial obligations? Also known as the “quick ratio”, this simple calculation tells you how liquid your practice is. Easy to calculate and understand…(click the article title to read the full article)…

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